Its Your story. Not who you are. Just what made you - wisewoman
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A/S/L: 37, Male, Weston-super-Mare, UK
Marital: Relationship
Interests: My kids, movies, music, literature and computing

Tuesday, 17th February 2009
So I was thinking the other day...

...about how come I've become lax in updating this here blog.

1/ Do I have the time?

Pretty much. I am a full time employee for an internet enabling company, so have plenty of time when I could update. Plus I have most evening spent on the net. So thats a YES

2/ Do I have anything to talk about?

According to some people, yes I do. I can chatter on about certain subjects til donkeys start tipping over. So thats a YES

3/ Do I have the inclination?

I update Facebook at least once a day and twitter every now and again. So thats a YES

4/ So why am I not updating this little corner of the internet regularly?

Focus. I have lost focus on blogging. I am currently focusing on my DJing and this is going from strength to strength. I currently play for the Alexandra Bar, The Ashcombe pub and the new Q Bar - all in my home town. Q Bar is new and it looks like I have landed the residency there - every Friday and Saturday night, provided I can prove myself over the next few weeks. Which is severely limiting my social life, but enabling me to do something that I love doing.

So I'm gonna rejig the blog. Sometime ago, I started putting together a new music blog and then completely forgot about it. Finding it a few weeks back seems to have jarred the interest in me for both blogging and doing the music thang. Favourite songs, my own mixes, playlists and suchlike will be the order of the day.

This place will be a thought dumping ground and the other place will for music (although there will quite likely be some crossover).

To this end, I shall be posting here quite regularly from now on (famous last words!)

See ya all soon

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